Monday, December 3, 2007

From Babel: Crossing into Mexico

There are two things that stand out in this clip. First, the ease of entry into México, which is not shared by those who enter into the United States, and second--and only for a moment--is a look into what a town that borders the United States looks like.

Nawal Saadawi argues that wealthy, 'first world nations' aren't burdened by the same regulations that they impose on other nations. Because of their wealth, potential for capital investment and powerful militaries, countries like the US--and especially the US because of its unipolar position in the world--can ask for special exceptions for its own people who go to other countries and require more from people and capital that try to enter their own countries.

In the case of US-Mexico, Mexicans are eager for tourist dollars and will not hamper anyone's ability to enter, short of random vehicle searches, whereas the US is implementing a passport requirement beginning next year.

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